Location 04 / A land as a construct of memory
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Location 04 / A land as a construct of memory

To be made of dust and errant trajectories (still) – Single-channel multilingual video essay/landscape installation – 10’06’’ [looped], Daireaux province, Argentina, (2022).


To be made of dust and errant trajectories – Part of the project research trajectory Islands of Time – Location 04 / Daireaux province, Argentina. 

In collaboration with Curator Renata Zas, Pablo Caligaris / La Ira De Dios, AOS Residency, and MUNTREF – Museo de la Inmigración Buenos Aires.

“You see, through certain kinds of spatial engagements, there might be a transfer of empathy because of your ability to experience yourself in that way. Would you be able to acknowledge anything different than your own perception?”

As part of the Islands of Time research project, the work To be made of dust and errant trajectories plays within the relationship between the farming industry and the migratory processes that originated within the re-formulation of the Argentinian territory; their strategies, convergences, and layering firmly gaze upon the capitalization and civilization of the land and its habitants. The cartographic and territorial division of the world fostered to accomplish extractivist activities in the so-called “new” world. Therefore, the violence of the civilizing project results in its relation to its territorial errancy, problematizing the dichotomy between its systematic exploitation and divisionism. Focusing on the European migration within the country, the territorialization fostered by the “la Campana del Desierto” occupation expanded within limits constituted by its political aim. The re-distribution of land from the migratory policies between 1830 and 1950 opened a path in exploring how mobility influenced memory formation and belonging. Composing the understanding of the elements describing the phenomena that occurred within different processes of territorialization includes a multiplicity of factors. Within this subdivision, what’s left should not exist merely to benefit privileged minorities or exploitative measures, calcifying within the constitutive elements composing history. In dialogue with local institutions, collaborators, and partners and due to several field-research phases throughout the country, the trilingual text plays at the interplay of the representation of memory and the archive. The video essay landscape intervention aims to re-considering how mobility affected the boundaries of those who migrated, those who remained in Europe, and those who were excluded from this reallocation process. All the particles of life’s stories intertwine within a past and possible future to divert from a clear consequentiality of the so-called Modernity’s constitutive elements.




To be made of dust and errant trajectories (stills sequence) – Single-channel multilingual video essay/landscape installation – 10’06’’ [looped], Daireaux province, Argentina, (2022).