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2º REFLUXO – FESTIVAL EXPERIMENTAL DE ARTES   REFLUXO FESTIVAL / 11 September - 13 September CCUFG - Centro Cultural UFG Av. Universitária, n° 1533 - Goiânia -  (BR) O Refluxo – Festival Experimental de Arte, em sua segunda edição, é promovido pela Faculdade de Artes Visuais – FAV/UFG, possui caráter colaborativo,

Recontextualize traditions

"RECONTEXTUALIZE TRADITIONS" - BAF Balkan Arts Festival 2019 - National Museum of Life and Ethnography of Macedonia and Thrace, Thessaloniki  (01-15/9) Curated by Andreea Foanene (Ro) and Georgia Kourkounaki (Gr).   BAF Balkan Arts Festival is the new institution concerned in mapping the contemporary artistic topography of Balkan region. The aim of the

Little Island Festival

LITTLE ISLANDS FESTIVAL / Sikinos (GR) 23 August - 26 August   The LIF is ultimately a modern, collective feast for the eyes that recreates the public space and creates new landscapes in old places: " Through the festival, we seek to act as a link between the little

Unresolved Category

UNRESOLVED CATEGORY is an acknowledgment of contemporary painting in its current state. This exhibition does not claim to innovate the medium in any way. In fact, painting has been declared dead so many times since the daguerreotype that its ‘re-invention’ feels like a redundant activity.

Balkan Portraits: Post-Modern Roots

“BALKAN PORTRAITS: POST-MODERN ROOTS” -RGB Balkan Arts Festival 2019 -Art Museum, Palace of Culture, Iași (27-28/6) Curated by Andreea Foanene (Ro) and Georgia Kourkounaki (Gr). RGB Balkan Arts Festival is the new institution concerned in mapping the contemporary artistic topography of Balkan region. The aim of the Festival is to

Young & Lovely

- YOUNG & LOVELY - QUESTA NON E' UNA MOSTRA D'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA Un progetto a cura di Erica Rigato Spazio 21 - Ex Ospedale Psichiatrico di Quarto via Giovanni Maggio, 6, 16147 Genova 28/29/30 GIUGNO 2019 Vernissage 28 giugno   " Qual è lo stato attuale della scena artistica genovese?    Si muove qualcosa?  


OPENING OF THE 6TH EUROPEAN EXHIBITION "THE THIRD SPACE" IN ZAGREB. 22 MAY The 6th European Exhibition CreArt "The Third space" will be presented at the Mestrovic Pavilion, home of the Croatian Association of Visual Artists, in Zagreb on May 22. "The third space" will show

VAA – Video Art Awards 2019

Honored to be awarded the first price of the VAA - Video Art Awards 2019. The 2019 edition theme was Interconnections: Legacy and Identity. The call was an opportunity to encourage the artistic production of moving images by identifying and rewarding exciting and innovative artworks produced


Onorato nel segnalare la mia selezione ufficale come finalista alla 1° edizione del PREMIO LUCIANO BOLIS. LA MOSTRA SI TERRÀ NELLA SALA LIGURIA DI PALAZZO DUCALE - GENOVA DAL 19 (ore 17.00) AL 25 MARZO (09.00/19:00). La premiazione avrà luogo a Genova il 21 marzo 2019 16:30 a Palazzo


Ri]Tornare progetto di Niccolò Masini, Giulia Crispiani e Luca Carboni   salaDOGANA 25 ottobre | 11 novembre 2018 PALAZZO DUCALE / GENOVA   INAUGURAZIONE GIOVEDI’ 25 ottobre H.18 ORARIO APERTURA 15|20 dal martedì alla domenica   La mostra [Ri]Tornare è una riflessione sul tema del ritorno. Tornare significa avviarsi, essere diretti al luogo da